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Understand How to Develop

Let us help you with our Learning & Experiences, We love to help others to built their Online Web Paradigm

Let's Go Explore
Our Intro
Our Motive

Our Motive

One of our important motive is to give our services at as low cost as possible by reusing free resources.

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Our Services

We try to deliver all range of services, starting from development, teaching and also hardware & software installation. We believe that one cannot be taken away from Websites, Apps, Computers anf IT.


Web, Desktop, Mobile

We love building & Exploring, Web Development is the most used platform to marketize your product. But we also cover Mobile & Desktop App Development.



Learning & Building

We not only develop, but we love to teach others, teach them how things work, help them first learn the concept & then how to actually develop it.


Software Services

Software Installation

We provide OS & Software installation to people who have just started or are not comfortable in doing it, we let them use our expertise in this matter.

Our Dev Stack

Our Development area is very Flexible, Beginning from Static Websites to Dynamic Applications and not to forget Linux System Management we also do that. Below are our Dev Stack.

Frontend Beginner


Frontend Advance


BackEnd Dev


Database Dev


System Setup


Our Projects

Below are our Projects that we have developed and customers have loved it due to it's simplicity.
Web Dev Services.
Development Services
  • Tech Stack Used:

    HTML CSS JS Bootstrap v5
  • We wanted a website to show our Projects Work & Efforts and needed a Platform where people can connect to us for any IT Related help.
  • We tried to show our projects, skills & services as much as we can via this website
  • No Cost was incurred while developing this, not even hosting or SSL Certificate
MJ & Associates
Law Firm
  • Tech Stack Used:

    HTML CSS JS Bootstrap v5
  • We sat with the MJ & Associates Team to understand their requirement and develop website as easy and simple as it can be.
  • We reviewed the website with the team and did all customization and changes as and when they require it to be done
  • We reduced the cost of the project to very minimum by using resources freely available, Hosting on Github Pages

Our Benefits

Know us, Understand us and believe in us, before that talk with us for more detailed understanding of all the benefits that we provide.

Lowest Cost

We try to use as much free resources & services available to make the costing as minimal as possible.

Since 2020



We Know that Customization is what is very much required and we love to hear from customer, understand his custom requirement and then actually show that in action.

Since 2020


Free Maintainence

We Maintain & Keep on Adding Changes even after the Final Release has been deployed, we also keep on finding any problem which needs to be patched.

Since 2020



Learn with Us, We love teaching people what we do and how we do. we also train, give us a chance talk with us we will be happy to hear from you.

Since 2020


Change Agnostic

Let us know, where you require changes and when, we will do it. If you want to change the whole design, don't worry we are there we will do it.

Since 2020


System Setup

We also help people in System Setup, ranging from software,os installation to hardware installation.

Since 2020

Our Costing

We built Solutions at Lowest Cost Possible. You can directly reach to use on
For Reference & Basic Understaning we have created a small Pricing table, it will give you few more insites.

Web Starter

Static Website Dev


+2 Year Maintenance FREE

  • *Unlimited Pages(Max 50)
  • Free Hosting/Deployment
  • Free SSL
  • Free Logo Development
  • Free Resources
  • Fast Development(Max 7 Days)

Web Apps

Dynamic Website Dev

Starting @ ₹7500/-

+2 Year Maintenance FREE

  • *Unlimited Pages(Max 50)
  • Paid Hosting/Deployment
  • Free SSL
  • Free Logo Development
  • Free Resources
  • Fast Development(Max 7 Days)

Custom Apps

Mobile & Desktop App Dev

Starting @ ₹8500/-

+2 Year Maintenance FREE

  • *Unlimited Pages(Max 50)
  • Paid Hosting/Deployment
  • Free SSL
  • Free Logo Development
  • Free Resources
  • Fast Development(Max 10 Days)

Our Development Stratergy

How our Development goes is listed below in the following sequence and flow.


Understanding Customer

We first Try to understand what customer actually wants, from which domain is he is coming and what would be his perspective.


Research Work & Analysis

As per the clients info and details what is the area that he is covering, what will be the end goal, what are the current solutions or projects with respect to that and how much time,efforts and money it will take to develop a similar project.


Make Customer Aware & Comfortable

After the Proper Analysis , we make the customer aware about the results as to how we are going to proceed, what all pre-requistes will be required and what coud be the time, efforts & cost incurred for the same.


Module Based Development

We then break things in small modules/parts so taht we can show and quickly review our product to customer. this helps the customer to understand how things are going and can also provide some feedback or start using the project, while we are developing the later part.This approach is totally customer preferences specific.



While Developing and building we also help them undersand how it is getting developed. this used where we develop projects for it firms or for colleges.



This is very crucial regardless the project being a very simple static site to showcase company info online. we need to test that it works properly and can be accesssed and used in any device type or size.


Customer Approval

This is the Key Element, we want the customer should be happy from what he takes from us, the End Goal is to make the Project usefull for him.


Final Touch (Version 0.0.1)

We will now club our project code properly so that we better optimize it before deployment, look at things we kept for fallback etc.


Deployment & Tracking

We always presume that the first developement is the Initial Release and requires us to keep on looking it from differnt angle and perspective hwile using it.



Customer who will use is project is bound to come up with new requirements and we are happy to help him cover that part. we enjoy new requirement as this helps us to learn, maintain a good bond with customer and also make it possible in action that is where the JOY is hidden.